"Pork Adobo Recipe"
"Pork Adobo Recipe" Pork Adobo is pork cooked in soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic. This is considered by many as the Philippine’s national dish because of its popularity, ease in preparation, and long storage life. Adobo is not only limited to pork and chicken, other meats, seafoods, and vegetables such as squid, goat meat, veal, beef, shrimp, river spinach can also be cooked this way. This recipe is one of the easiest and best that you will find. This recipe is the most common and probably the simplest of them all. I will try to feature other Adobo variations such as the Batangas Adobo and the Ginataang Adobo in our future posts. You might like to see the list post that I created about 31 different Filipino adobo dishes . This will give you more options and you will get to see a few ways to cook adobo. If you want me to feature your adobo version, I will be happy to do that. This food blog is no...